Sunday, September 28, 2008


We just had a lazy Sunday fingerpainting in the backyard. Even though we have eight sheets of paper somehow the paint gets more on the kids than the paper. They like to play tag and get each other's backs messy. We've learned the hard way to strip them down first.

Lightning McQueen

Connor got a new bike 'Lightning McQueen' so he can be as fast (well almost as fast) as Marisa. His bike is a little smaller than hers, but he can still catch her if she doesn't watch out. Here he is washing his new bike. At this point he hasn't ridden it yet, but according to him it was dirty!
Tyler James Leary (TJ)@ 9 weeks. In the last picture he has on his party outift. Both Connor and Marisa like to read books to him. Marisa makes up the stories and Connor repeats the words or phrases that he knows. TJ is almost sleeping through the night - he wakes up once at 3AM and again around 6:30 or so. He still has his good nights and bad and as a result so do we!

Monday, September 15, 2008

San Jose Airport Terminal B

These are photos from the project I'm working on. It will be a new Terminal at the San Jose Airport. The curved beams are the roof line. The building in the background is another new structure called the North Concourse. Karen's old company, Clark, is completing that facility next month.

Maybe you are wondering why I'm posting these pictures on 9/15/08 a day before my birthday?! Last Tuesday Marisa convinced Cha Chi, our nanny that my birthday was that day. She was so convincing that they made cupcakes and cards for me. Susan wasn't in on it till that afternoon, but she was able to get all teh kids quiet for a SURPRISE party when I walked in after work! Connor snatched the 'Y' before the pictures could be taken.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I am a wide angle shot away from $1MM on America's Funniest Home Videos. If you were to guess who would be most likely to get hurt on a 40' concrete slide how many of you would guess Colin? When Connor is halfway down you can hear someone in the background say "OOHHH!" That is his reaction to Colin going head over heals down the concrete embankment. Luckily, no emergency room visits we're required.

This is Golden Gate Park in San Francisco - we visited Uncle Colin yesterday.
This is by far the best activity at a park. The adult has nothing to do. Gravity and fact that children can't sit still, but yet can't get out of a bucket seat take over. WARNING: Make sure to do this before lunch.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Slide Video

I tell Marisa that being the boss will only last for a couple more years. Wait till there are two boys runnign around. We're waiting for the time Connor tells her that enough is enough!

Tyler at 6 Weeks

Mt. Diablo State Park is very close to our house. We drove up last weekend with Max and JT Kennedy to climb around in the rocks. The small caves are great for exploring and the rocks have natural slides and hand holds for easy climbing.

Slide Splash

I love that Connor is taking water out of the pool with his bucket. He continues to get water out to water the plants around the yard while Marisa slides in the water. He had more fun with this activity then the slide into the pool. Eventually the water became too low because of Connor!

Susan's 34th Birthday

Susan's birthday cake request this year was a big cookie cake. Yes, I made it and Marisa helped with the sprinkles and M&M's. We started with a whole bag of M&M's and ended up with only half of them on the cookie cake. You probably don't have to guess to long to figure out where the other half went.